Published Papers

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Spatially correlated reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-aided cell-free massive MIMO systems

Published: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

We study the uplink spectral efficiency (SE) of a practical spatially correlated RISs-aided CF massive MIMO system over Rician fading channels. Specifically, we derive the closed-form expression for characterizing the uplink SE of the system, which shows that increasing the number of RIS elements can improve the system performance.


Citation: Enyu Shi, Jiayi Zhang, Ruisi He, Huiying Jiao, Zhiqin Wang, Bo Ai, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, "Spatially correlated reconfigurable intelligent surfaces-aided cell-free massive MIMO systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 9073-9077, Aug. 2022.
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Wireless energy transfer in RIS-aided cell-free massive MIMO systems: Opportunities and challenges

Published: IEEE Communications Magazine

We study four uplink implementations for CF mMIMO systems with multi-antenna users, from fully centralized processing to fully distributed processing. We observe that the system performance may not always benefit from the number of antennas per user.


Citation: Enyu Shi, Jiayi Zhang, Shuaifei Chen, Jiakang Zheng, Yan Zhang, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, and Bo Ai, “Wireless energy transfer in RIS-aided cell-free massive MIMO systems: Opportunities and challenges,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 26-32, March 2022.
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